InnuScience has several certified Ecolabel products.
EU Flower
Life cycle considerations
Canadian Environmental Certification
Life cycles considerations
European Nordic Countries
Life cycle, environment, climate and performance. Includes bacteria based products
Evaluated by EcoLogo ™
Innu-Science specializes in manufacturing high performance cleaning products. Our team is made up of talented, determined and seasoned professionals who have combined bio technology with innovation and have created a truly ALL-GREEN product range.
Innu-Science have mastered the science and ability to make these specially selected good bacteria (Bacillus Subtilis) go to sleep in their concentrated formulations, the bacteria wake when diluted with water and are exposed to air, so many of these Innu-Science cleaning products have "live bacteria" present.
Our products are really a holistic solution which targets removing harmful chemicals from the environment whilst addressing the 4 P’s namely People, Planet, Performance and Profit by Cutting Costs.
Our mission statement with PhilClassic is to endorse innovation and provide sustainable products that meet the needs of today without compromising the future generations to come.
The Products Formulations Use a mix of:
The product range is formulated to consume the basic elements that are contained in organic compounds namely Oxygen, Carbon, Sulphur, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Phosphate
Please click on any range below to view related products. Contact us for technical training and information about our cleaning products
# | Name | Description |
1. | Innu-Science Profile | PDF (1.31 MB) |