PhilClassic is a business, which is registered as a Closed Corporation. After spending quite some time in the corporate world, we used our experience to start a business that specializes in upmarket, but affordable cleaning and hygiene products. It prides itself on serving the public to the best of our capabilities.
We have a team of dedicated, hardworking and honest people, who work together to live out the vision and mission of the company. We believe that integrity and transparency are what truly builds a successful business. We take pride in service delivery, and good relationships.
Your satisfaction is always our main focus.
The next time you need a service provider for your cleaning and hygiene needs, give us a call.
“ Be thankful to a customer who gave you the opportunity to do business with them.”
PhilClassic has been a service provider to the health care-, hospitality-, food and beverage-, and industrial industry since 1998. We also service shopping malls, offices, local authorities, sport and leisure facilities and retailers.
We are not only committed to the environment, but also to the upliftment, commitment and participation of the greater community as well. Our products are biodegradable, thus saving the environment from harsh chemicals. We support our communities in every way we can.
- Proverbs 3:5 -